Saturday, August 04, 2007


Bonfire of the Builders - BusinessWeek

"By rushing into the mortgage business big-time, homebuilders helped fuel the housing crisis. Now they're hurting—and so is Wall Street." by Mara Der Hovanesian, BusinessWeek. Go to the Story.

"Traditional mortgage companies and banks unleashed a barrage of loans, many to borrowers with iffy credit histories who didn't bother to read the fine print about upwardly mobile interest rates. Wall Street egged on the often-reckless underwriting by buying vast quantities of home loans for repackaging as securities. Now that the boom has fizzled and foreclosure rates are rising, the important role of large homebuilders as lenders is also coming into sharper focus."

"Even as the housing supply began to exceed demand last year, builders kept sales brisk by pushing adjustable-rate, interest-only, and other risky loans."

Now it's payback time. It is likely to take two to three years, by various estimates, for the excess supply to be soaked up. The boom stole sales from the future as people bought houses earlier than they might have a few years ago. From the same issue of BusinessWeek, by Peter Coy. Go to the Full Story.

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